Introducing Auger
A New and Still Hopeful RepStrap Design
Well, having built a McWire I frankly am not satisfied with the performance. For large parts it print fairly decent even good. The smaller parts have been problematic. Mainly due to the course extrusion control. The smaller Items print better when I use multiply in skeinforge but it lengthens an already too long print time.
I'm sure that I could probably make due with the McWire but I just can't stand the slow speed. I also think that I can do better starting with a blank slate. That being said I have changed my sights from building a Mendel to a design with the following attributes.
*The mechanical parts should be available at the local home center (Except bearings, electronics and motors)
* Relatively inexpensive
* No printed parts should be needed anywhere in the build to get up and printing.
* Keep the part type and parts count to a minimum.
* Speed should be comparable to the MakerBot. (I'm trying to do this without belts and pulleys)* Easy to make (although a small drill press is required)Hopefully this design will be something that would be good enough that it could be your first and last 3d printer if you choose not to make another bot.
So far I think I am on track. I have a sketchup model for the X and Y and am 80% through the build.
Here are the major build steps to get Auger printing from here:
* Mount the X and Y motors
* Join the motors the drive shafts
* Move the Mendel Z sled assembly to the Auger base plate and adjust the height.
Basic Construction

The skate were inspired by the design found here at the GilesBathGate Blog.

The rails are made of two parts. The same aluminum U channel that McWire had in its design is used as a base to hold 0.7 inch electrical conduit. The conduit really inexpensive and is used to provide the rolling surface for the bearings and gives height between the sleds for the drive screws. This conduit is very rigid. We paint it and use it for curtain rods inside our house. Dry wall or wood screws go through the bottom of the ply wood, through the U channel and grab the conduit to hold the rails in place.

Drive System
I have had this wild idea that I could make a drive screw to move the stages. So far it has turned out pretty good but I have hit a few bumps along the way.
The Jig
The Drive Screw
I used some calipers to measure the variation in thread distance in one rotation and they were less than 0.005" of one another from thread to thread. (It's really kind of hard to tell. I will have to measure the accuracy under operation.) Then thought it would be better if the rod was made of a lower friction material. I placed an order with McMaster Carr for some 1 and 3/4 inch UHMW HDPE.
I tried cutting some this weekend but had some problems:
* The 3/4 inch rod I ordered was actually 0.81 inches in diameter or about 13/16". All I have is a 3/4 paddel bit to make the nut. I cut threads in it anyways. perhaps I will pick up a bit this week.
* The HDPE has a low melting point and as a result likes to be cut slowly. My drill press on its slowest speed and an 1/8" bit still melted it as it cut. I was able to cut the 3/4" rod ok but the 1 inch rod melted too much and was not really useable. It seemed it was a slightly different material.
* The 1" inch rod had bulges in the diameter I think caused by the extrusion process.
* All the rods had a bend in them. I was able to correct this by hand.
If the razor blade had bidirectional support I think one could do gradually deeper cuts by going back and forth without too much loss in precision. I think that would be key to cutting plastics without melting. The bit I was using is a downward cutting spiral bit. A bit with 2 flutes and less surface area may help the melting issue as well.
If the razor blade had bidirectional support I think one could do gradually deeper cuts by going back and forth without too much loss in precision. I think that would be key to cutting plastics without melting. The bit I was using is a downward cutting spiral bit. A bit with 2 flutes and less surface area may help the melting issue as well.
Drive Nut