Introducing Auger
A New and Still Hopeful RepStrap Design
Well, having built a McWire I frankly am not satisfied with the performance. For large parts it print fairly decent even good. The smaller parts have been problematic. Mainly due to the course extrusion control. The smaller Items print better when I use multiply in skeinforge but it lengthens an already too long print time.
I'm sure that I could probably make due with the McWire but I just can't stand the slow speed. I also think that I can do better starting with a blank slate. That being said I have changed my sights from building a Mendel to a design with the following attributes.
*The mechanical parts should be available at the local home center (Except bearings, electronics and motors)
* Relatively inexpensive
* No printed parts should be needed anywhere in the build to get up and printing.
* Keep the part type and parts count to a minimum.
* Speed should be comparable to the MakerBot. (I'm trying to do this without belts and pulleys)* Easy to make (although a small drill press is required)Hopefully this design will be something that would be good enough that it could be your first and last 3d printer if you choose not to make another bot.
So far I think I am on track. I have a sketchup model for the X and Y and am 80% through the build.
Here are the major build steps to get Auger printing from here:
* Mount the X and Y motors
* Join the motors the drive shafts
* Move the Mendel Z sled assembly to the Auger base plate and adjust the height.
Basic Construction

The skate were inspired by the design found here at the GilesBathGate Blog.

The rails are made of two parts. The same aluminum U channel that McWire had in its design is used as a base to hold 0.7 inch electrical conduit. The conduit really inexpensive and is used to provide the rolling surface for the bearings and gives height between the sleds for the drive screws. This conduit is very rigid. We paint it and use it for curtain rods inside our house. Dry wall or wood screws go through the bottom of the ply wood, through the U channel and grab the conduit to hold the rails in place.

Drive System
I have had this wild idea that I could make a drive screw to move the stages. So far it has turned out pretty good but I have hit a few bumps along the way.
The Jig
The Drive Screw
I used some calipers to measure the variation in thread distance in one rotation and they were less than 0.005" of one another from thread to thread. (It's really kind of hard to tell. I will have to measure the accuracy under operation.) Then thought it would be better if the rod was made of a lower friction material. I placed an order with McMaster Carr for some 1 and 3/4 inch UHMW HDPE.
I tried cutting some this weekend but had some problems:
* The 3/4 inch rod I ordered was actually 0.81 inches in diameter or about 13/16". All I have is a 3/4 paddel bit to make the nut. I cut threads in it anyways. perhaps I will pick up a bit this week.
* The HDPE has a low melting point and as a result likes to be cut slowly. My drill press on its slowest speed and an 1/8" bit still melted it as it cut. I was able to cut the 3/4" rod ok but the 1 inch rod melted too much and was not really useable. It seemed it was a slightly different material.
* The 1" inch rod had bulges in the diameter I think caused by the extrusion process.
* All the rods had a bend in them. I was able to correct this by hand.
If the razor blade had bidirectional support I think one could do gradually deeper cuts by going back and forth without too much loss in precision. I think that would be key to cutting plastics without melting. The bit I was using is a downward cutting spiral bit. A bit with 2 flutes and less surface area may help the melting issue as well.
If the razor blade had bidirectional support I think one could do gradually deeper cuts by going back and forth without too much loss in precision. I think that would be key to cutting plastics without melting. The bit I was using is a downward cutting spiral bit. A bit with 2 flutes and less surface area may help the melting issue as well.
Drive Nut
Cool, I am glad to see that someone else is using the same skate design as I used here
Don't you think that buying some belts and pulleys would be easier than manufacturing your own drive rod?
@Giles thanks for speaking up. I looked high and low for where I saw the skate design but could find it. I edited the text to give your blog credit for the inspiration.
@Bob Morrison it could be and is still an option. I just had this wild idea and wanted to pursue it. It might lead to something or it might not. Time and effort will tell.
If the screw really has a precision of 0.001", I think that the screw is superior to a belt and pulley system.
I'm pretty amazed by the design, I think it looks to be very good.
Wow that drive is pretty awesome.
I am very impressed. Would never have thought of that in a million years.
Can't wait to see your machine actually printing.....
@Anton I don't think it is with in a mil. My measuring methods could not support that accuracy. I 'm thinking it is a few mils (<5 mils)or so it seemed. That is for one rotation or so it seemed. I will change the text to state this better.
@AKA47 and bjbsquared
Yes, that's the kind of idea one can only marvel at and say: "Yes, of course!!!"
Nice going.
The remaining one question will be how well it holds up to the massive repetitive actions of a rep rap.
Well done, keep us informed.
That is Awesome!
Also, your nut reminded me of a professional AB nut.
It has 2 rods for the thread, one on each side of the drive shaft tilted in opposite directions, with some compression so there was no backlash at all.
I would think you could do the same easily as long as you can get the second hole in the right place.
Lovely! Beautiful! :-D
I will be massive impressed if a wooden thread holds up, but the idea of using a bit for the nut is sweet. In the woodworking world, you can buy or get plans for threading boxes that work with a router (I think faster, lighter cuts might just work).
On the bearing/platform side of things, is anyone but me looking at cast-off quilting frames? They've typically got wheel/track/bearing systems that handle way more mass and acceleration than a reprap needs.
Maple soaked in bees wax makes a great wooden bushing so I would think that you could make your screw out of maple and coat it in wax for a similar effect.
The wax is pulled from the pores anytime that friction makes a little heat.
Wow... The Augering jig is the best home brew machining innovation I have ever seen so far!!
Was instantly interested seeing the threaded dowel but would never have guessed how you did it.
The Dowel looks like a very crisp cut.
Excellent.. How do you drive the the dowel being cut.. Stepermotor?
@BodgeIt At first I was turning it by hand but that got tiring. Then i drilled a hole in the end of the dowel where I fastened a 1x2 piece of wood. I centered it so I could turn it with two hands like a ships wheel. I was able to turn it easily but the rotation was not smooth because my hands had to trade positions. Then I attached the 1x2 at its end and steadied with my left hand and turning it with my right. I was able to keep constant pressure on it in a smooth rotation. I found out later that pausing had not ill effects on the cut but reversing did as there is no support in the opposite direction for the razor blade and it flexed easily. If the blade had bi directional support I think one could do gradually deeper cuts by going back and forth without too much loss in precision. I think that would be key to cutting plastics.
Im too busy getting ready for the show but I would like to try your Augering jig out I think a Stepper motor driving the end would work.
It would need to be have at least a 1Nm I would think from what VXD has said in DIY lathe part of the forums.
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